August 2021
A new website with more for you about BAM!
We serve a God who is more than enough. The Hebrew word is El Shaddai which means “the All Sufficient One” or the God of plenty. God is not concerned about how He’s going to meet your needs, He just does. While BAM is a small organization, it is growing internally to meet the new demands of the world and the people of God. Our society has more needs than the government can meet, and then social workers can counsel. Because of your support and prayers, BAM is providing more counseling, training, mission work, and finances to those crying out for help.
Creating a new website adds opportunity for BAM’s growth and increased access for those seeking life application support, ministry training, a keynote speaker, or mentorship.
Thank you for those who continue to financially support BAM. The size of the contribution does not matter, but your connection is everything.
New BAM Website offering connection, training, and spiritual support!
(You’re on it now!)
Coming soon!
Apply on the website for Legacy LeaderSHIFT. What is Legacy Leadershift? It’s a training place for those in ministry or those desiring ministry affirmation. Leadershift is a gift activation place, and it is where ministers of the Gospel receive apostolic parenting. I look forward to encouraging and strengthening each of you. Check out the Leadershift webpage and register today.
It all belongs to God
The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours;
The world and all its fullness, You have founded them. The north and the south, You have created them; Tabor and Hermon rejoice in Your name. – Psalm 89:11-12 (NKJV)
I read a story of a woman who had finished her shopping and returned to her car to find four men inside it. She dropped her shopping bags, drew a handgun from her purse, and with a forceful voice said, "I have a gun, and I know how to use it! Get out of the car!" Those men did not wait for a second invitation. They got out and ran like crazy!
The woman, understandably shaken, quickly loaded her shopping bags and got into the car. She just wanted to get out of there as fast as she could. But no matter how she tried, she could not get her key into the ignition.
Then it hit her: This isn't my car! She looked, and indeed her car was parked four or five spaces away. She got out, looked around to see if the men were near, loaded the bags into her own car, and drove to the police station to turn herself in.
The desk sergeant, after hearing her story, nearly fell out of his chair laughing. He pointed to the other end of the counter, where four men were reporting a carjacking by a woman with glasses and curly white hair, less than five feet tall, and carrying a large handgun. No charges were filed (Greg Laurie, A Time to Worship, Decision, Nov. 2001).
She thought it was her car, but it really belonged to someone else. The truth is: God owns everything. He owns that lady's car and the one she mistakenly got into. And He owns everything we call "ours." He owns it all. It all belongs to God (mind, body, and spirit to obtain both).
The foundational principle of stewardship is that God is the owner of all.
What does that say about our relationship to the God (the owner) and all He has entrusted to us (the stewards)?
I recognize my position
I have a divine responsibility
I will give an accounting
My Best For Your Best!
Brenda Alton, CEO